Ouija: Origin of Evil Review


Ouija: Origin of Evil was definitely a surprise, considering the movie that came before it was nothing special. This entry into the “Ouija” series was actually a pretty well done horror period piece. Set in the 60s, the filmmakers did a great job with sets and even making the filming style have a 60s feel to it. What really stands out from this movie is the creepy but brilliant performance from its youngest star. The creepy faces were a great addition to make the audience feel uneasy. This horror movie actually stands out over others, and was done pretty well, but it doesn’t explore too much into new territory. While the movie has a few jump scenes, the overall creepiness is what makes it a great horror movie. The time period is handled so effectively, it almost makes you believe you’re watching a Universal Studios classic horror film. Unlike other classic horror movies such as the Exorcist, no new ground was broken, but it definitely still was a solid entry into the overpopulated genre of horror.


Final Score: 7.5/10

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